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卵巢功能虛弱(AMH低) 試管嬰兒(IVF) 高齡不孕

公告日期 | | 閱讀人次 | 1,641

All thanks to Dr. Huang's strategy and his careful care to make this dream come true .

To. All Dr. Huang's staff and to all mommy wanna be; I'm now 8-9 wks IN and baking 2 lovely bread in the oven, all thanks to Dr. Huang's strategy and his careful care to make this dream come true .


A Little background about myself, I'm 38 and have tried to have a baby since 2020. We first tried naturally for a year and seeked for help with a fertility doctor out in LA.


We did 2 IUI, 1 IVF with PGS testing but was unsuccessful. My husband and I were devastated and even kind of hopeless.


My friends from TW recommended a few doctors to me and I ended up working with Dr. Huang because he gave me a new plan and was so positive through. out our consultation; Even after the blood test result came back showing only 0.9 AMH and understanding my history of failing.


He then recommended to wait for a month untill my lining is more ready and clean.


During the treatment, I was alone in TW since my husband has to go back to the U.S. for work.


I don't have any families here but just some firends. Dr. Huang's office definitely easiler and at the end .


finally; I am pregamant!!!! BIG THANKS 2 DR. HUANG


給黃醫生的所有工作人員和所有想成為媽媽的妳; 我現在懷孕89週了,在我的子宮裡面孕育了兩個小生命就像是在烤箱裡烤了兩個可愛的小麵包,這一切都歸功於黃醫師的策略和他的細心照顧,讓我的夢想成真。


關於我自己的一些背景,我今年38 歲,自2020年以來一直試圖生孩子。我們首先嘗試了一年的自然生育,並向洛杉磯的生育醫生尋求幫助。


我們做了2IUI1IVF PGS 測試,但沒有成功。我丈夫和我都很傷心,甚至有點絕望。






最後我懷孕了!!!! 非常感謝黃醫師。


公告日期 | | 閱讀人次 | 1,641



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