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Glad, we listen!

To Dr. Hwang and every one of the caring team members:
Thank you for taking care of us every step of the way. Starting from clear explanations on all tests and result, comprehensive pharmaceutical plans and advices, to tireless encouragement time after time have make the treatment a less challenging.
Although result of first IVF did not live up to expectation, Dr. Hwang encouraged us not to give up and shall try again once we are ready.
Glad, we listen!
Fortunately, Secord time is going well, and we are in the 13 weeks of our pregnancy. We are grateful and would like to share with everyone on the same journey to trust Dr. Hwang and his team as well as yourselfers.
Jim & Lily
幸運的是,第二次我們成功了,我們正處於懷孕的第 13 週。我們很感激,並願意與大家分享我們的經驗,請相信黃醫師和他的團隊。
Jim & Lily